Café Gleitzeit

Every Monday and Thursday from 7.30 a.m. to 8.00 a.m., we cordially invite all parents to our Café Gleitzeit. There you can take the opportunity to have a coffee or tea before work and chat to other parents.

Café Gleitzeit is hosted by a different primary school group each week. Selected children from each group will take over the service during this time, preparing coffee or tea and serving cakes or similar items donated by parents. In the best Montessori sense, the children learn to take care of the needs of others, to organise processes and to collect money for a service and then settle up at the end.

The allocation of children to the service area is agreed by the colleagues in the responsible group and communicated to the group parents if necessary.

All children who are not assigned to the service area – including those from other groups – are expected to attend their regular lessons in the group rooms.

The parents of our Amethyst, Azurite and Opal groups will also be informed by the teachers about any other dates for presentations or material introductions from the group, which may take place on a separate date in the corresponding week.