Performance documentation

Starting in the school year 2023/24, a new performance documentation will be established at the Montessori School Wiesbaden. A learning and development report will be documented continuously over the entire primary school period with the status quo handed out at the end of the school year and given to the pupils. In this way, the children as well as the parents are continuously and comprehensively informed about the current level of achievement and the development in the individual subjects.

At the end of each school semester, our child interviews take place. The pupils assess themselves with regard to their learning status and their social competences and enter this in a reflection sheet. In the subsequent discussion between the child and a teacher in the group, the assessments are compared and discussed by both sides. The parents are present as silent guests at these discussions and take the sheet home afterwards.

Pupils in year 4 continue to receive a report card at the end of the first half-year. Work and social behaviour remain verbally explained. Report card discussions also take place here in the form of triangular discussions.