As a state-approved school, we receive financial support from the state of Hesse. However, this support – in the form of a lump sum per student – does not cover all costs incurred. We therefore finance part of the costs through the monthly school fees for your child.
In addition to the school fees, there are also costs for our freshly prepared lunch (allergies are taken into account), for voluntary afternoon activities and a one-time admission fee.
According to § 10 (1) No. 9 EStG, 30 percent of the school fees at a state-recognized domestic alternative school are deductible as a special expense up to a maximum annual amount of € 5,000. Typical substitute schools include private Montessori schools. You will automatically receive a certificate of payments made for each calendar year that has passed.
Preisliste (Stand: 01.08.2024)
Schulgeld Grundschule (jährliche Erhöhung zum 1.8. um 3%) |
534 € (monatlich) |
Schulgeld Vorschule Montinis (jährliche Erhöhung zum 1.8. um 3%) |
474 € (monatlich) |
Schulgeld für gleichzeitig beschulte Geschwister | Für das 2. Kind: 75% Ab dem 3. Kind: 25% (des regulären Schulgelds) |
Zuschlag für Kinder aus Rheinland-Pfalz (1) | 35 € (monatlich) |
Schuleingangssichtung | 40 € |
Einlage, unverzinsliches Darlehen (2) | 1.750 € |
Aufnahmegebühr Grundschule | 801 € |
Aufnahmegebühr Vorschule Montinis | 711 € |
Mittagessen Montag-Donnerstag (3) | 17 € (pro Essenswoche) |
Mittagessen Montag-Freitag | 21,25 € (pro Essenswoche) |
Zuschlag für gluten- und laktosefreie Ernährung | 2,50 € (pro Essenswoche) |
Nachmittagssnack | 0,70 € (pro Tag) |
Nachmittagsangebote | 32,50 € (pro Angebot und Monat) |
Fahrtkostenpauschale Sport/Schwimmen | 7,50 € (monatlich) |
Materialpauschale | 65 € (jährlich) |
Ferienbetreuung | 35 € (pro Woche) |
Ausgleich für Fremdvergabe des Putzdienstes | 7,50 € (monatlich) |
In addition to the school day care, the Montessori School Wiesbaden offers vacation care for a total of 7 weeks during the Hessian school vacations. For the participation in a vacation week we charge 35 € per week plus meals.
A current price list for download can be found here.
(1) Currently suspended due to change in the Substitute School Financing Act.
(2) The deposit will be refunded in November after the child has left the school on time.
(3) Lunch is mandatory Monday through Thursday, optional on Fridays.