The Unfallkasse Hessen covers school accidents (at school and on the way to or from school). If they do not happen directly at school, they are only covered if they are related to school. Educators’ supervisory responsibilities end at 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., respectively. Parents are asked to pick up their children on time. All important information can be found at
The children’s birthdays are celebrated in the groups. For this purpose, the children bring a small addition to the breakfast for the group. The procedure of a birthday celebration is ritualized as follows: The children sit down in the circle, and the circle of the year is laid out for the birthday child. Then the candles are lit.
After the class sings the birthday song to the birthday child, the child goes around the circle of the year as many times as the number of years he or she has lived. The children are welcome to bring photos in the form of a yearly leporello to show their growing up.
Board of Directors
Parents who are willing to take responsibility for the school and the association, who like to work in a team and who want to make a difference together, are exactly right in the board. After all, we are always looking for someone to take on challenging tasks.
If you have experience in human resources or finance, or if you would like to contribute your own ideas, then please contact our Vorstands-Team.
Brand game
With the mark game all basic arithmetic operations are practiced individually: Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. It is more abstract than the bead material.
The material consists of a box with six compartments. In these are tiles in the colors green, blue and red with the imprint 1, 10, 100 and 1000 as well as green, blue and red cones with their respective bases.
In line with our overall concept, the children should have a healthy breakfast with them. Sweets, bars, cakes, jam, etc. as well as sweetened drinks are to be avoided please. To have energy for the school day, e.g. fresh fruit, raw vegetables and wholemeal breads are just right. Birthday children can of course bring a cake.
Café Gleitzeit
Every Monday and Thursday from 7.30 a.m. to 8.00 a.m., we cordially invite all parents to our Café Gleitzeit. The Café Gleitzeit is run by a different primary school group each week. Selected children from each group will take over the service during this time, prepare coffee or tea and serve cakes or similar items donated by parents. In the best Montessori sense, the children learn to take care of the needs of others, to organise processes and to collect money for a service and then settle up at the end.
Communication (parents with educators)
The teachers are happy to talk to you. If you have something on your mind, please contact the teachers immediately and directly.
Please understand that we are not able to talk to you in the morning when you bring your child to school. We would like to take time for you, but the time in the morning belongs to the children.
Cosmic Education
Cosmic education is the basis of teaching in Montessori schools. It is about getting to know the big and small connections, and about the introduction to all areas of knowledge.
The task of cosmic education as a subject is to give the child an idea of the interaction of the parts of nature with each other and with man. The most important goals are respect for and responsibility for nature and man-made culture.
In Cosmic Education, one always starts from the whole and then studies the details: First, students are given an overview that enables them to place detailed knowledge within a “larger whole.” Cosmic education encompasses all natural and social science disciplines: physics, chemistry, biology, history, and geography.
Through its interdisciplinary, holistic approach, Cosmic Education lays the foundation in many children for an enthusiasm for phenomena of nature and the study of science.
“Teaching details means creating confusion. To establish the relations between things, is to give knowledge.”
– Maria Montessori
An additional source of income for our school to finance our running costs. We ask every parent to be actively involved in this – receipts for donations (from 25,- €) are of course also possible for donations in kind, please contact the office. You can donate to the school via our Spendenkonto money via bank transfer, credit card, direct debit and Paypal. There is also the possibility to generate rewards for online purchases via via Bildungsspender and Schulengel for the Montessori School.
Extracurricular places of learning have a key function in Montessori education: children learn through observation, experience (factual) connections and thus link everyday life and school. If possible, the costs of such undertakings are financed from the class budget. For special events such as class trips or larger excursions, the teachers seek contact with you in good time at parents’ evenings or through the parents’ representatives.
We are happy to take advantage of parents’ experiences and are grateful for suggestions.
The Freiarbeit is an important part of the teaching at Montessori schools: “Only in free choice, according to Montessori, can the child reveal his nature and interests, his talent and creativity, recognize and develop himself.”
At our Montessori school, students learn to organize themselves and their work, and to self-assess their skills and knowledge. The ability to set oneself a task and to solve it independently, to control and discipline oneself, is most evident in Montessori students’ healthy self-confidence and self-esteem.
Our school is financed by monthly school fees paid by parents, substitute school funding from the state of Hesse, other public subsidies and, last but not least, donations. The monthly school fees are collected by direct debit.
General meeting
The General Meeting of Members shall be convened by the Board of Directors at least once a year by written invitation. A general meeting must also be convened if at least one third of the members request this.
It is the highest decision-making body of the association and is basically responsible for all tasks.
In particular, the annual financial statement and the annual report must be submitted in writing to the general meeting for resolution on the approval and discharge of the board.
The general meeting decides on Amendments to the Articles of Association (Satzungsänderungen), annual report, election, dismissal and discharge of the Executive Board and discharge of the cash auditor.
Get to know
A prerequisite for the enrollment of a child is the completion of trial days, which should consider the school readiness of the child. This is followed by a personal interview. You will receive the exact dates for the initial inspection and the subsequent parent interview on the day of registration at the office. You will be informed about the necessary medical examination by the school office or the health office.
Golden pearls
The Golden Beads material is a typical Montessori material. The beads can be used to place numbers (e.g. 542 = 2 units, 4 tens and 5 hundreds). It is one of the most versatile mathematical materials with which all basic arithmetic operations from the number range above 10 to the 1000 number range can be practiced and consolidated.
As a rule, the place of school learning should be the school, i.e. there is no compulsory homework at our Monti. However, individual agreements can be made between students and the team of educators.
Each child can rent a locker with a combination lock to store spare clothes and jackets. The lockers do not belong to the school, but to the company astradirekt through which the lockers must be booked directly. After booking you will receive by letter the number and PIN code of your locker.
To do this, enter the city with zip code at and the school in the next step. Depending on which group your child is in, you specify the “lower locker room” or the “upper locker room”.
Our school offers a warm, daily freshly prepared meal to all children in the school’s own cafeteria. Our {school chef Tobi} prefers to use regional products in the preparation, if possible also from organic farming. The food is healthy and balanced, with a salad bar that changes daily. A medical certificate is required for allergy cases. Attendance is mandatory on Mondays through Thursdays, and optional on Fridays. The registration form for the Friday lunch and afternoon snacks will be sent to you by mail every six months.
Montessori at home
Your child should also do as much as possible independently at home. As parents, have the courage to trust your child to handle the many small and large activities he or she performs during the day on his or her own.
Only try to help your child when he or she asks for your help.
The MonTiger is the mascot of the Montessori School Wiesbaden. Those who follow the tiger’s trail can hold their own in the jungle of life. Tigers are focused, consistent, clear, strong and stand up for goals!
Montipost is the official school newspaper and is published twice a school year. In addition to information from the board and the school management to the parents, contributions from students are published here and information is provided about projects from the individual groups. We are always looking for supporters in the form of advertisements.
Everyone who wants to can find an opportunity to communicate here – be it to inform, to offer something or to look for something. Reports, information, pictures etc. are welcome from all readers. Montipost is an exchange forum for all those involved in school life. Contributions can be submitted in common data formats (texts, pictures) to the Montipost box in the teachers’ room or sent directly to be emailed.
The Montipost is distributed by satchel mail.
The editorial staff of Montipost is always looking for interested parents for a variety of tasks. If you are interested, please contact the office. Participation in the creation of Montipost is a parent service.
Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori gave her name to this pedagogy. The Italian doctor and educator (1870-1952) developed her pedagogy by observing children, placing the child and his or her individual development at the center of education and teaching.
“Help me to do it myself!” – This basic idea is behind her educational concept, which gives the child space and time for self-active learning. Each child has his or her own learning rhythm and interests, and should be supported individually.
An important role in Montessori education is played by the “prepared environment”, in which the children can work in an aesthetically designed room with different work areas. In the prepared environment, the children find a variety of work opportunities and materials that can be
- inspire creativity
- awaken the desire to discover
- respond to their interests and
- promote their independence.
Particularly important to Montessori was holistic learning, and this in two ways: on the one hand, learning with the whole body and with all the senses, and on the other hand, learning in contexts and not teaching details without seeing the whole.
A healthy and balanced diet is part of the concept of the Montessori School Wiesbaden. Information on the topic of “healthy breakfast” is provided regularly in projects and letters to parents and participation is encouraged.
The catering of the children in the context of the all-day school is taken care of by our cook Tobi, who prepares a fresh, varied lunch every day in the school’s own kitchen of the Montessori School Wiesbaden with high-quality products from predominantly organic and regional cultivation.
The school is qualified as a health-promoting school by the Hessian Ministry of Education. More information at:
We offer a range of different activities, including climbing in the woods, sports and games, and music. Information about the contents of the AGs is sent to parents by e-mail every six months.
The AGs take place from Monday to Thursday from 15.30 to 17.00 and on Fridays from 13.30 to 15.00. They replace the conventional after-school program. They replace the conventional after-school program and are therefore subject to a fee. Depending on demand, the individual offers can be booked individually.
Office hours
The office is the central contact point for the association and the school. The tasks of the school secretariat and the organization of the association are fulfilled here. Due to the diversity of responsibilities, it is not always possible to be available immediately. Please leave a message on the answering machine and we will call you back as soon as possible.
Office hours are Monday through Thursday, 7:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on school days, and until 1:30 p.m. on Friday. During vacations only in the morning.
Our Monti was founded 25 years ago through the commitment of parents and can only continue to exist in the future through your participation.
Parents are professionals in their fields. Through professional and personal experience, skills and abilities, our school community benefits from their skills and knowledge. This potential is indispensable for the further development of our small school. On the one hand, this is the only way to keep operating costs low; on the other hand, this work naturally promotes togetherness and allows us to participate in the everyday life of our children.
Parent work is a contribution…
- to actively shape the school
- a possibility of participation
- In the spirit of being a role model for our children to engage in community and society.
Parents agree to work a certain number of hours for the community through the school contract.
Parent seminars (ElSe)
At the beginning of the school year, there is a series of parent seminars that are mandatory for all new parents in order to create a common basis for our cooperation. The contents of the events are, in addition to the basic introduction to the everyday life of the Montessori School Wiesbaden, the basic principles of Montessori education, the life and work of Maria Montessori, Cosmic Education, Mathematics, Language, English and Documentation.
During these evenings, parents get to know the materials with which their children learn. The objectives and handling are explained. For parents, this is an opportunity to learn more about the teaching practices of Montessori education and to ask questions.
For example, in the subject of mathematics, the material is used to show that, according to Maria Montessori, there is much more to mathematics than simply learning operational arithmetic skills. The special Montessori material enables real understanding and comprehension. In this way, interest and ability in dealing with number spaces is learned. Beginning with the bead material, through the mark making game, to the arithmetic frames, it is shown how the process of understanding and internalizing mathematical thinking occurs.
ELSE are mandatory for new parents at the school – but always a special experience.
Performance documentation
Performance documentat
Starting with the school year 2023/24, a new performance documentation will be established at the Montessori School Wiesbaden. A learning and development report will be documented continuously over the entire primary school period with the status quo handed out at the end of the school year and given to the students. In this way, the children as well as the parents are continuously and comprehensively informed about the current level of achievement and the development in the individual subjects.
At the end of each school semester, our child interviews take place. The pupils assess themselves with regard to their learning status and social skills and enter this in a reflection sheet. In the subsequent discussion between the child and a teacher from the group, the assessments are compared and discussed by both sides. The parents are present as silent guests during these discussions and take the sheet home with them afterwards.
Students in the 4th grade will receive a grade report card beginning at the end of the first semester of school. Work and social behavior remain verbally explained. Report card discussions also take place here in the form of triangular discussions.
Prepared environment
Our students find a so-called prepared environment in each group room: bright classrooms where you can find a large selection of Montessori materials on shelves. With a conscious choice of teaching materials, the child can work freely and independently on whatever he or she is interested in. Montessori materials are structured in such a way that the children work on a topic sequentially.
Our students work calmly and with concentration because they can learn according to their inclinations. Many children prefer to learn on the floor, but working at the table or in a group is also possible. At our Montessori school, it is desirable for the children to move around by getting their materials from the shelves and cleaning up after they have finished.
Registration for the beginning of the respective school year
1. Step: Please send us a completed {pre-registration form} by the end of November. Alternatively, you can also obtain this from the office. In December you will be contacted by us and receive news about the dates for the personal registration.
2. Step: You register your child personally at the school in January. For the registration you have to bring the child’s birth certificate and the registration fee of currently 40,- €. Directly at the registration you will receive the three dates for the entrance screening for the election and all other information you need.
School Parents’ Evening
At least one parents’ evening is held in each group every six months. The parents’ council of the group invites to this meeting. With the invitation, the agenda is also sent, which was drafted in consultation with the pedagogical team.
Topics that concern the whole class are discussed. The teachers present projects and report on current topics.
At the request of parents, additional parent-teacher conferences may be called on current topics. Please contact your parent councils if needed. The current list of parents’ councils can be found in the Montipost or in the office.
The parents’ evening is not intended to clarify individual pedagogical questions. This is to be discussed exclusively with the pedagogues. In most cases, no solution can be reached in a plenary session. The pedagogues are happy to find a direct solution. The best way to reach our teachers is by e-mail.
Although many children could benefit from an alternative to a regular school and many parents would like this for their children, the school fees exceed the financial possibilities of the families. With the help of the Monti scholarship, children – with individual suitability and corresponding interest of the parents – should be given access to our school.
You can find detailed information about the general conditions, requirements and the application process at Komm zu uns > Stipendium.
School store
School clothing connects and strengthens the sense of belonging. We offer for kids and adults Organic Cotton T-shirts and hoodies in different sizes.
Our large bread box is also a practical companion. It not only serves its purpose for food, but is also a great alternative for pens, scissors and glue sticks.
Our entire {School Shop offer} can be found here {Schul-Shop-Angebot}
School route
Please allow your child to start the school day independently and let him/her walk the distance from the school door to the classroom on his/her own both when arriving and when picking up.
The best thing would be a relaxed farewell in the parking lot below Freudenberg Castle on Freudenbergstraße, then stress-free onward travel for the parents and the Montis have their own little way to school as well as another piece of independence.
Remember: school belongs to the children!
Breakneck turning maneuvers on Freudenbergstraße (corner of Sonnenblumenweg), desperate search for a parking space in Butterblumenweg, dangerous maneuvering between school children – all this does not have to be!
As a rule, the place of school learning should be the school, i.e. there is no compulsory homework at our Monti. However, individual agreements can be made between students and the team of educators.
The children first put on their slippers in the shoe cellar, can exchange with other children there, and then start the “stairway to school”.
All adults please clean their shoes very intensively directly at the entrance in order to provide our children with a clean place to live and learn. The attic may only be entered with slippers or on socks.
Suggestions for improvement
It is our wish to further improve the attractiveness of our school and the satisfaction of all (students, parents, teachers, etc.). To this end, suggestions for improvement, ideas and criticism are welcome from all sides. For the concerns of the parents the Vorstand available as a contact person.
Vacation care
During the vacations there is a vacation care, which is taken over by the school staff and honorary staff. Currently, 4 weeks of the summer vacations and one week of each of the remaining two vacations are covered. The vacation care currently costs 35,- € plus vacation lunch per week.
The care takes place from 8:00 to 15:00. A reliable, varied leisure and educational program is offered: This includes experiencing nature, excursions, museum visits, sports, exercise as well as creative and play activities and much more.
A few weeks in advance we inform about special offers by mail and ask for a binding registration. On this basis we then engage the honorary staff, so that a subsequent booking in or out is no longer possible.
See also: school fees
Welcome picnic
The School Parents’ Council traditionally organises the welcome picnic for the future first graders on the last Sunday of the summer holidays in our Pausen-Wäldchen. On this afternoon, the future schoolchildren and their mentors from the respective classes can get to know each other better. The parents of the sponsored children provide the culinary delights with food they have brought along, which is served on a small buffet. Everyone brings crockery, cutlery and possibly a picnic blanket for themselves. In a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, the children get to know their godparents, parents exchange ideas with Monti parents in order to minimise the uncertainty before the first day of school for everyone.