

Price list
Here you will find our current price list, valid from 1 August 2024.

Board of Montessori School Wiesbaden
The board works on a voluntary basis and is elected every 2 years by the general meeting. The current election period of the board runs from October 2021 to October 2023.

Parent Hour Tasks
List of suggestions to contribute parent hours

Information brochure and donation form

Kurz und knapp – Infos rund um unsere Schule.

Information about our preschool and entrance levels.

School shop
School shirts, hoodies and lunch boxes with our Monti logo!

The statutes of the Montessori School Wiesbaden e.V. association.


Pre-registration form
We take care of every registration. Please complete the form and return it to us.

Membership application
If you would like to become a member of the association, please send the completed application form to the office.

Form for the accounting of parent work
Here you will find the form for the accounting of your hours worked. Please hand in the completed form to our office as soon as you have reached the required number of parent hours or at the latest on the last school day before the summer holidays.

Scholarship Fund
If you would like to support the Montessori School’s scholarship fund financially, we would be happy to receive the completed form for supporters, to be handed in at our office.

Self-disclosure/ Scholarship application
If you would like to apply for support for a Monti Scholarship, please send the completed form to the office.

Application for leave of absence (for students)
If you would like to apply for a leave of absence for your child, please send this form, which is standardised according to the Hessian School Act, to the office.