School Cinema Weeks
This year, our Birke Group took part in the annual Hessian School Cinema Weeks @ schulkinowochenhessen. On Thursday morning, the children watched the film version of the world-famous character by children’s author Ottfried PreuĂler, the robber Hotzenplotz
Full of suspense and excitement, the pupils followed the adventure on which Kasperl, the grandson of the grandmother whose coffee grinder was stolen, sets out to catch the notorious thief – the robber Hotzenplotz. Of course, neither the popcorn bags nor the nachos could be missing
The SchulKinoWochen are a project of Vision Kino gGmbH @vision_kino and Netzwerk fĂŒr Film- und Medienkompetenz. The cinema hall serves as a place of experience; the cinema becomes a classroom
A great idea by the initiators, we will try to participate again next year.