Great excitement before school – on 22.9.23 our second graders were allowed to visit the Armada farm in Frauenstein for the first time. Already before half past seven, the first children were ready at the Monti full of anticipation. A few stops by bus, then a short walk and the Montis’ first morning at the Armada farm could begin
At first, everything revolved around orientation on the grounds and which rules had to be observed on the farm. Being quiet, walking slowly and not following the animals are among the most important guidelines that our Monti children have to follow
On our tour we visited the running ducks, which can actually run very fast, and then the chickens. All those who were confident enough to feed the chickens by hand were allowed to do so
After that, we went past the two ponies, two sleeping pigs and a large vegetable garden, to a pasture to the sheep
The pupils noticed that the sheep obviously really like to be cuddled under the chin and that their wool feels wonderfully soft and warm. After extensive “sheep cuddling” and playing in the pasture, it was time for a breakfast break
Freshly strengthened, we continued across a large meadow and up a hill to the goats’ hut. Here too, our Monti children were allowed to feed and stroke the animals
On our way back, we briefly stopped by to see the bees and finally visited the rather large rabbits and the ponies
A shared circle with lots of ideas for future visits rounded off the morning. Done in, but happy, we made our way back to school
A whole year full of “Hof Armada – Fridays” lies ahead of us – and we are looking forward to it!