Project day Wiesbaden committed
On 08.07.22 we will redesign our playground as part of the Wiesbaden engagiert! project day. With the support of the company Hornbach and the Wiesbadener Volksbank we are able to realise this project financially as hoped
With the support of Wiesbadener Volksbank, we were able to plan and implement the project day in the best possible way. A big thank you to the company gemeinsam e.V. sozial & fair, who supported us with materials for the repair of our play horses in the woods
Summer party for the 25th anniversary of the school
With the help of the listed sponsors we are able to offer numerous prizes at our play stations to the children at our summer festival on 16.07.2022
We would like to thank for the generous donations in kind and tickets from
The highlight of this year’s summer festival is our sponsored run . Our pupils collect donations for the purchase of a low ropes course in our own playground
The children can master various tasks at different play stations in our forest and collect stamps, which they can then use to win great presents at the wheel of fortune
Performances by our Hip-Hop AG and our Artistik AG will round off the programme
Our school chef Tobias Jahn will also be providing food and drink at this summer festival, as well as a rich buffet sponsored by the parents of our school
We look forward to spending this special day with you, dear Monti parents, in a pleasant atmosphere!
Sponsored run – The way is our goal!
As part of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the school on Saturday, 16.07.2022, we will finally organise a sponsored run again this year
Our students will collect donations for the construction of a versatile and exciting alternative to our dismantled low ropes course. Unfortunately, this had to be completely removed in the course of the tree rescue. New play and climbing elements come with quite high acquisition and construction costs
These new, diverse opportunities for movement represent a lofty goal. Of course, the size and variety of this attractive sports and play equipment depends on the available – in our case, raised – financial resources
The path is the goal!
Our way is about 300 metres per lap and the goal is 5500 €
We will do the laps around the neighbouring dormitory. This way, all guests can motivate the eager runners right next to the running track
From 2:30-6:00 p.m., students and former students, parents and teachers are welcome to use the running track to reach our fundraising goal together. Of course, you can run, hop or walk the laps at your own pace
The pupils and all other runners should look for sponsors in advance. Each lap run will be rewarded with a fixed amount. The sponsor cards must be handed in to Regine Hadaschik in the school administration office by Wednesday, 14.07.2022
The financial result of the sponsored run exceeded our wildest dreams! In the end, our students were able to raise over € 10,000. We would like to thank the children for their tireless efforts and the generosity of the sponsors. With the support of further donations, we will be able to purchase a fifth element for the low ropes course.